An Exploration of Data Augmentation and Sampling Techniques for Domain-Agnostic Question Answering


To produce a domain-agnostic question answering model for the Machine Reading Question Answering (MRQA) 2019 Shared Task, we investigate the relative benefits of large pre-trained language models, various data sampling strategies, as well as query and context paraphrases generated by back-translation. We find a simple negative sampling technique to be particularly effective, even though it is typically used for datasets that include unanswerable questions, such as SQuAD 2.0. When applied in conjunction with per-domain sampling, our XLNet (Yang et al., 2019)-based submission achieved the second best Exact Match and F1 in the MRQA leaderboard competition.

Machine Reading for Question Answering Workshop 2019 at EMNLP
Shayne Longpre
Shayne Longpre
AI Research Scientist

My research interests include AI/ML/NLP, and the governance of AI platforms.